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Archive for Freelance Content Writing for Law Firms

Small Law Firm Marketing: How Small Firms Can Compete Online

How can small law firms compete with big law firms online? By getting smart with their content strategies.

In this post, we’ll share some tactics within a small law firm marketing strategy that attracts new clients and builds visibility online.

Legal Blog Writing

Writing legal blogs are the way your small law firm can compete against the larger, more established law firms online. How? Through something called “long tail keywords.”

Every blog post targets a specific keyword aimed at attracting inbound traffic from search engines. For example, this blog post …

The Importance of Branding Building

You probably got into law to help people. Many others had that same desire: An incredible number of law firms provide similar services. To be competitive and attract the new clients you need to help your firm grow, you must build a credible and recognizable brand for your practice that differentiates you from the competition. The best place to do this is on the Internet.

People trust law firms that have sleek sites, smart blogs and an authoritative social media presence. Just as people once noticed the lawyers who got …

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