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Content Distribution: Why Does It Matter?


There’s an old saying in the real estate business that when it comes to property, it’s all about location, location, location.

You may be a lawyer, not a realtor, but the same is true when it comes to legal content marketing. The location of your content plays a key role in its success.

The aim of any law firm’s marketing strategy is drawing in more potential clients, so you want your content to be seen in the places where you’re most likely to do that. This means targeting locations where you think your potential clients will be. When you do this, you increase your reach, or the number of people who see your content.

The more people you reach, the more likely you are to get one of those people to become a new client. Here are some suggestions on where to distribute your law firm’s content and how to do it.

Start With Your Website

The first, and most obvious, place to put your content is on your website. You should be posting blog entries, ebooks and newsletters on your site. This will not only strengthen your site but also draw the attention of search engines, which love original content and will bump you up in search rankings.

Syndicate Your Content

Syndication used to be something left to newspapers, but these days you can syndicate content across the web, too. This basically means taking something you originally wrote for your site and republishing it. With some law firm writings and content, you may need to get creative.

If you have a piece on estate planning, you could reach out to:

  • Retirement communities
  • Older bloggers
  • Hospices

All of these places would likely love a chance to publish a (free) blog from a noted expert in the field — you.

Be Active on Social Media

Social media is the very best way to distribute your content beyond your site’s immediate audience. Tag people you think would benefit from or enjoy your most recent newsletter. Publish all your blogs on Facebook. Put videos on Google+. And be sure to pass on others’ content, too, so they will return the favor.

Reach Out to Newspapers

If you recently published something new, such as an ebook, see if you can get an excerpt published in your local newspaper or shopper. Chances are they would love the free content, and you can direct people to your site to download the full document.

Maintain a Community Blog

Some radio stations, newspapers, TV stations or online news sites maintain community pages using local bloggers. Sign up to get a new place to distribute your law firm’s writing.

Want More Content Distribution Ideas?

Contact Lawyers Writing for Lawyers today for more ideas on where to distribute your content.


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