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Law Firm Content Marketing | 5 Critical Components

law firm content marketing

What are the critical components of a solid content marketing strategy for your law firm? In this post, we’ll share what all excellent content marketing plans have in common.

Law Firm Content Marketing & Business Strategy

How does law firm content marketing help your firm? By supporting the overall firm business strategy, goals for growth, and aligning them with your content marketing strategy. To get there, you’ll want to identify what type of work your firm looks for, your ideal client, and what client’s needs and issues are.

In this article, we’ll share the critical components of a solid content marketing strategy for your law firm. These 5 components are what all top notch content marketing plans have in common.

1) “Client Profiles”

law firm content marketing

‘Client profiles’ typically used in law firms are essentially the same as ‘buyer personas.” They are fictional representations of your ideal client. Here are a few categories your personas should cover:

  • Job title and responsibilities
  • Industry
  • Company revenue
  • Challenges or pain points
  • Experience with legal services
  • Client Goals (What is the client’s critical goals in his or her job? What drives him or her every day?)
  • Common objections to your services
  • What is the client’s buying process?
  • Lastly, when and why will your new client reach out to you?

By mapping out the time clients do not need your services to when they start researching solutions, to assessing potential law firms, to becoming your client — you’re able to tailor your content and market to potential clients at each stage of the process.

These are critical touch points you’ll find when you map out the buyer journey. Helping to understand how and why you typically win new work or why you lose a client.

2) Editorial Calendar | Action Plan

law firm content marketing

Creating an editorial calendar is primarily a documentation of your action plan. This gives you the baseline of content to ensure you are addressing all personas and providing them with the information they need. A schedule creates consistency and helps to avoid coming up with a new topic every week.

You can always add content to address recent questions clients had for an attorney, to new trends, rulings, laws and more. However, establishing an editorial calendar is still helpful, even when searching for more in-the-now topics.

3) Search Engine Optimization Keywords

The goal of content marketing is to write for your ideal client, not create clunky language geared only towards desired keywords. However, by defining your SEO keywords, you’ll gain an understanding of which phrases your target audience uses the most. Keywords will give your content a higher chance of reaching and connecting with your ideal client.

4) Post It, Promote It.

law firm content marketing

We can no longer assume that a law firm can create quality content, post it, promote it on social media – immediately seeing a successful performance. Leveraging a variety of promotion tactics, including owned, paid and earned media is the way to go.

While organic reach on Facebook and other social platforms is not dead, it’s pretty low. In fact, it can be less than 10%. Pay to play, is the game. Start incorporating paid social media into your content promotion plan. In today’s content-saturated world, you must pay to get your content to the right audiences.

5) Evaluate, Adjust.

First, decide what success looks like to your firm? Some goals and metrics you can review on a consistent basis include page views, bounce rate, social shares, e-mail subscribers, e-mail opens, leads. After all your planning, your next challenge is to produce excellent content.

Have questions about the process or other areas you think are critical to your content strategy? Reach out to us, we’d love to hear your feedback.

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