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The Importance of Knowing Your Audience

You wouldn’t read a Stephen King book to a four-year-old as a bedtime story, and you wouldn’t invite a neighbor who doesn’t have kids and refuses to recycle to a seminar on the joys of using environmentally friendly diapers. Any marketer must know their audience in anything they do, and that includes legal content writing.

Having a strong understanding of your audience can help you focus your legal content in order to engage people in your website, newsletters or press releases. Each audience requires a slightly different writing style, because …

The Benefits of Hiring a Legal Content Writer

Many law firms like the idea of writing their own content for their website. As appealing as that idea might be, however, the reality is most attorneys don’t have the time or expertise to do so.

It’s often smarter, more efficient and cheaper to outsource your legal content writing to an outsider who has the right experience. Here are four benefits of hiring a legal content writer:

  1. Expertise

Sure, you went to law school and you craft a mean legal brief, but that’s not the same as writing a compelling …

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