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Do’s and Don’t’s of eNewsletters for Law Firms


Newsletters are an ideal way to stay in touch with your firm’s clients and reach out to potential new leads. While that may have meant mailing out a newsletter using paper and envelopes in years past, these days legal eNewsletters are the way to go.

There are three main benefits to e-newsletters. First, you can link directly to information on your website, encouraging readers to further explore your law firm and what it offers. Second, people are more likely to share an email address with you than a snail mail address. And third, it’s much more cost-efficient to send out an eNewsletter rather than a paper one. This means you can save money while addressing your potential clients’ need for convenience.

The Best Legal Newsletter Writing

Newsletters are different from many other forms of legal marketing. Since they require people to opt-in, there’s a certain level of trust between you and the recipient. Many of your eNewsletter subscribers are likely already clients, and others are potential clients.

This means you can use a more personal tone than you might for unsolicited marketing materials, which are the written equivalent of cold calls.

Here are a few do’s and don’ts for your eNewsletters:

  • Do include links to your website and other marketing materials. You want to be driving people to other sources of information about your firm.
  • Don’t make it too long. People have short attention spans online.
  • Do put in information of interest for new clients. That could include a recap of a recent case or a list of what types of services you offer.
  • Don’t focus exclusively on new clients. After all, returning ones will be reading your eNewsletter as well. Find the right balance for your subscriber list.
  • Do send your eNewsletter on a regular schedule. You want people to know when to expect it. Set a weekly  or monthly deadline and stick to it.
  • Don’t be too cutesy. For example, word searches are fun for Highlights for Children magazine — they’re silly when included in a newsletter for adults.

Who Should Write a Legal Newsletter?

The person in charge of your eNewsletter campaign should be well-versed in law and have a comprehensive understanding of your particular firm and its goals.

Most importantly, this person should be a writer. It takes a level of expertise to communicate comfortably through an eNewsletter and use the voice you want to establish for your law firm. Many lawyers are too busy meeting with clients and going to court to undertake this job themselves.

Another option is to outsource your eNewsletter to a qualified team of writers. At Lawyers Writing for Lawyers, we have the team, the expertise, and the writing know-how. We can help your firm with your eNewsletter needs — contact us today to launch your legal newsletter.

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